Covid19 Impact on Assessment of Research Degrees — UK Council for Graduate Education

Douglas Halliday

Past Chair, UKCGE, Professor in Physics, University of Durham and Director of the Durham University Global Challenge Centre for Doctoral Training (2019–2022)

Gill Houston

Past Chair, UK Council for Graduate Education

A resource from the UKCGE concerning the impact of Covid-19 on doctoral research and any consequential impact on the final examination.

This document is provided by UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) to support our membership in adapting procedures for assessing research degrees in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This guidance is offered recognising that each UKCGE member with research degree awarding powers is responsible for the standards of its own awards. It is our hope that this guidance will inform the development of institutional responses whilst also securing and maintaining the academic standards of all awards. Institutions are encouraged to clearly communicate any revised approaches to doctoral candidates at the earliest opportunity to alleviate concerns that many will have at this time.

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