Resource library
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Guide to Structured Self-Reflection — Research Supervisor
Guidance for those involved in supervision who have seen candidates through the examination process
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Guide to Structured Self-Reflection — Associate Supervisor
Guidance for those involved in supervision, but who have not seen a doctoral candidate through the examination process.
UKRI Commissioned Report on Research Supervision
Key findings from UK Council for Graduation Education (UKCGE) research on how UKRI could better support research supervision.
Developments in the Doctoral Examination in the UK
A study of the doctoral examination policies of 127 UK Higher Education Institutions
Case Study: Thesis Committees at University College, London
A discussion of Thesis Committees and their uses at UCL
Creating dialogic spaces: developing doctoral students’ critical writing skills through peer assessment and review
Joan Woodhouse & Phil Wood (2022)
Studies in Higher Education, 47:3, 643–655
How can universities better support the mental wellbeing of higher degree research students? A study of students’ suggestions
Tracii Ryan, Chi Baik & Wendy Larcombe (2022)
Higher Education Research & Development, 41:3, 867–881
Supervising the PhD: identifying common mismatches in expectations between candidate and supervisor to improve research training outcomes
Adam P.A. Cardilini, Alice Risely & Mark F. Richardson (2022)
Higher Education Research & Development, 41:3, 613–627
‘Ways of being’: a model for supportive doctoral supervisory relationships and supervision
Nicolette Buirski (2022)
Higher Education Research & Development, 41:5, 1387–1401
Supervisor perspectives on the ‘end-stage’ of the doctoral examination process
Dally, K. Holbrook A., Lovat, T. and Fairbairn, H. (2022)
Higher Education Research and Development, 41(2): 315–329.