Resource library
‘Smile and nod’ or more? Reassessing the role of the silent supervisor in the doctoral viva
Kumar, V., Kaur, A., Sharmini, S. and Noman, M. (2022)
International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 17: 263–277
PhD orals from the convenors’ perspective: implications for academics and candidates
Kumar, V., Kaur, A. and Sanderson, L. (2022)
International Journal for Academic Development
Mental health and wellbeing of postgraduate researchers: exploring the relationship between mental health literacy, help-seeking behaviour, psychological distress and wellbeing.
Moss, R., Gorczynski, P., Sims-Suten, W., Heard-Laureote, K. and Creaton, J. (2022)
Higher Education Research and Development, 41(4): 1168–1183
Navigating Mental Disability as a Doctoral Student
Boulay, N. (2022)
In R. Twinley and G. Letherby (eds.) The Doctoral Journey as an Emotional, Embodied, Political Experience. London, Routledge: 81–93
Are doctoral progress reviews just a bureaucratic process? The influence of UK universities’ progress review procedures on doctoral completions
Dowle, S. (2022)
Perspectives: Practice and Policy in Higher Education
Supervisory feedback: Supervisors’ reasons for not giving timely feedback
Bahtilla, M. (2022)
Innovations in Education and Teaching International
The challenges and trade-offs of supporting doctoral student writing: A case study of faculty experiences
Holzweiss, P. (2022)
Innovations in Education and Teaching International
PhD’s ‘please don’t steal my work’ plea sparks national debate
Grove, J. (2022)
Times Higher Education,7th July: 10–11
Enhancing co-supervision practice by setting expectations in a structured discussion using a research-informed tool
Wald, N., Kumar, V., and Sanderson, L. (2022)
Higher Education Research and Development
Review of benefits and challenges of co-supervision in doctoral education
Kalman, O., Horvath, L., Kardos, D., Kozma, B„ Feylsa, M. and Ronay, Z. (2022)
European Journal of Education, 00: 1–17