Resource library
Between the office and the coffee shop: an examination of spaces used for research degree supervision
Specht, D. (2022)
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 23
Identifying skills, qualifications, and attributes expected to do a PhD
Mantai, L. and Marrone, M. (2022)
Studies in Higher Education
The PhD viva ritual: a critical autobiographical account
Morgan, D. (2022)
In R. Twinley and G. Letherby (eds.) The Doctoral Journey as an Emotional, Embodied, Political Experience. London, Routledge: 127–133
What makes a productive research student?
Corsini, A., Pezzoni, M., and Visentin, F. (2022)
Research Policy
Across time and space: Examiner and candidate experiences of online doctoral vivas
Wisker, G., Highman, L., Spronken-Smith, R. and Waghorne, J. (2022)
Innovations in Education and Teaching International
Classed and gendered internationalisation of research and knowledge production: a critical analysis of international doctoral students in the UK (1998–2016)
Olenina, A., Bamberger, A. and Mun., O. (2022)
International Studies in Sociology of Education
In pursuit of sustainable co-authorship practices in doctoral supervision: Addressing the challenges of writing, authorial identity and integrity
Lokhtina, I., Lofstrom, E., Corner, s. and Castello, M. (2022)
Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 59(1): 82–92.
Exploring the professional development of doctoral supervisors through workplace learning: a literature review
Huet, I. and Casanova, D. (2022)
Higher Education Research and Development, 41(3):774–788
UK Research Supervision Survey 2021 Report
The UK Research Supervision Survey is the UKCGE’s national survey offering those involved in research supervision an opportunity to share their experiences of supervising doctoral candidates.
Managing Supervisory Loads by Centrally Limiting Student Numbers: An Investigation into practice in institutions in the UK
This paper investigates whether there are centrally-set numerical limits on numbers of doctoral candidates per supervisor