Student-Supervisor Expectations in the Doctoral Supervision Process for Business and Management Students

Bui, T. (2014)

Business and Management Education in Higher Education, 1: 12–27.


This research explores whether, and if so, how an effective relationship is created from both supervisor and doctoral student perspectives in the context of internationalisation of business and management studies in higher education. Interviews were conducted with 12 supervisor–student dyads, totalling 24 interviews, to explore both student and supervisor perspectives on their own lived experiences of their expectations during the journey through the PhD. 

The research revealed four main dimensions that the interviewees expressed during the interview process: 

  • a) their perceptions of the role of the primary supervisor on the doctoral student’s work; 
  • b) what they expect from their counterparts in terms of intellectual capacity; 
  • c) in terms of emotional intelligence; 
  • d) in terms of resources or logistics. 

New findings related to intellectual capacity and emotional intelligence will be useful for both doctoral students and supervisors.

Cite this article

Bui, T. (2014)

Student-Supervisor Expectations in the Doctoral Supervision Process for Business and Management Students.

Business and Management Education in Higher Education, 1: 12–27.

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