Challenging the taken-for-granted: how research analysis might inform pedagogical practices and institutional policies relating to doctoral education
McAlpine, L. and Amudsen, C. (2012)
Studies in Higher Education, 37(6): 683–694
Taken-for-granted pedagogical practices and institutional policies are often built without evidence of effectiveness, or can result from external calls for accountability that are often accepted given the lack of evidence to challenge them. We argue the need for evidence-based perspectives to support the rethinking of such practices and policies related to doctoral education and potentially to challenge external drivers that are placing increasing demands on academics.
We have been particularly attentive to using our research findings for this purpose, and in this article we describe two examples of how we have drawn evidence from our research that challenges the taken-for-granted. We hope that describing our approach may stimulate other researchers to emphasize the specific implications of their research findings as regards influencing change towards more research-informed institutional practices and policies.
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McAlpine, L. and Amudsen, C. (2012)
Challenging the taken-for-granted: how research analysis might inform pedagogical practices and institutional policies relating to doctoral education.
Studies in Higher Education, 37(6): 683–694