Getting a GriP: examining the outcomes of a pilot programme to support graduate research students in writing for publication

Cuthbert, D. and Spark, C. (2008)

Studies in Higher Education, 33:1, 77–86


This article addresses an under-researched area of graduate studies: the role of writing groups in developing the research and publication potential of university graduates. Drawing on focus group discussions with participants from a pilot program conducted in the Arts Faculty at Monash University in Australia, the authors investigate the outcomes of graduate participation in writing groups through reference to three key themes: demystification, writing for an audience and support versus pressure. 

In the light of the finding that graduate participation in writing groups has a variety of positive outcomes, the authors suggest the need to develop appropriate ways to expand the current emphasis on research development to include graduates.

Cite this article

Cuthbert, D. and Spark, C. (2008)

Getting a GriP: examining the outcomes of a pilot programme to support graduate research students in writing for publication.

Studies in Higher Education, 33:1, 77–86.

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