Resource library
Identifying skills, qualifications, and attributes expected to do a PhD
Mantai, L. and Marrone, M. (2022)
Studies in Higher Education
Classed and gendered internationalisation of research and knowledge production: a critical analysis of international doctoral students in the UK (1998–2016)
Olenina, A., Bamberger, A. and Mun., O. (2022)
International Studies in Sociology of Education
Summary of a workshop on widening participation in postgraduate research
Research England/Office for Students (2019)
Millions in public funding award to UK PhD applicants without interview
Pells, R. (2018)
Times Higher Education, 3rd May
All PhDs are equal but … Institutional and social stratification in access to the doctorate
Adél Pásztor & Paul Wakeling (2018)
British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39:7, 982–997
The Continuing Evolution of the Research Doctorate
Bernstein, B., Evans, B, Fyffe, J., Halai, N., Hall, F., Jensen, H.-S., Marsh, H. and Ortega, S., (2014)
In M. Nerad and B. Evans (eds.) Globalization and Its Impacts on the Quality of PhD Education. Rotterdam, Sense: 5–30.
Widening participation to doctoral education and research degrees: a research agenda for an emerging policy area
McCulloch, A. and Thomas, L, (2012)
Higher Education Research and Development, 32(2): 214–227.
Widening Participation from Undergraduate to Postgraduate Research Degrees: A Research Synthesis
Wakeling, P. and Kyriacou, C. (2010)
National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement and Economic and Social Research Council. York, University of York. -
How to be an Effective Supervisor: Best Practice in Research Student Supervision
Eley, A. & Murray, R. (2009)
Open UP Study Skills, McGraw-Hill
The Doctoral Education Experience: Diversity and complexity
Neumann, R. (2003)
Australian Government, Department of Education, Science and Training. Canberra